Pawsitively Patchez

Patchez’ Fives

on July 18, 2012

Annon sent Patchez a whole lot of fives,
Now Patchez thinks Annon must be very wise.
In socks, he tells him his fives to ‘vest
And Patchez thinks Annon must know what is best.

So Patchez must start an investigation
He’s checking out socks across the nation,
He’s seen black, brown and blue, bright colours too,
Even one that had holes, where the toe popped on through.

Bear or bull market?

He conducted this search as best as he can,
Now he asked his friend Jen, to lend him a hand.
She read Annon’s note and saw miscommunication,
So Patchez now awaits some new education.

Jen will teach him about how the stock market works,
She will show him the down falls and some of the perks.
He’ll learn of a bull market and also a bear,
It will take quite a while, I am sure you’re aware.

So what will become of the fives Patchez has,
Will he get all stressed out, all frizzled and frazzed?
No not our Patchez, for he listens real well,
Now, on with this story that Patchez will tell.

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